QiC: Betty Crocker
Date: 05/10/2021
Title: Pre-Murph
Number of HIMs: 13
_Not Registered, Betty Crocker, DQ, Farva, Flat Tire, Gumbo, Honker, Portabella, Quikrete, Radar, TPS
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Plank during review of F3 Mission.
Right foot to right hand stretch, left foot to left hand stretch
21s with a 5 burpee penalty
MNC and Chinooks to loosen up the shoulders
Tha Thang:
Modified Murph:
Indian Run 1 mile route to the backlot. Make sure someone is always with the 6.
Cumulative 75 pullups, 150 Merkins, 225 squats.
Approved modifications are:
Breakup the sets, most did 10 pullups, 20 merks, and 30 squats until total was reached.
Pull-up mods include: assistance bands, sandbag hang cleans, or horizontal pullups on the dip bars with get elevated on cinder blocks if possible.
Honker modified up by wearing the ruck carrier with a plate inside. Honker is a beast.
Indian Run 1 mile back to the flag.
Count, names, Announcements, pledge, prayer
Great to see Dado. He's an inspiration to all of us and we're thankful his treatments are behind him!
Richmond Hill adventure race on 5/22, check that slack channel for details or talk to Trophy.
Murph at 0630 on 5/29 at Forsyth Park.
Murph at 0530 on 5/31 at Pooler OG AO.