1st F 05/07/2021 7 Pointed Burpee Star

QiC: Betty Crocker
Date: 05/07/2021
Title: 7 Pointed Burpee Star
Number of HIMs: 7
Betty Crocker, Brady Bunch, Doughboy, Gumbo, Honker, Radar

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Plank, left arm up, right arm up
Disclaimer & review of 5 core principles
Free, Open to All Men, Always Outdoors, Peer Led. Ends in a Circle of Trust
Dive Bombers
MNC & Chinooks

Tha Thang:
Mosey to the backlot. We had 7 PAX, so there were 7 stations plus a center point.

At the center, we'd all do burpees together. Round 1 was 30 burpees since that is the penalty amount for a missed obstacle at the Spartan. Round 2 was 25 burpees, 3 was 20, 4 was 15, 5 was 10, 6 was 5, and 7 was 0 burpees.

After each round of burpees, we'd rifle carry our Cindy to 1 of 7 stations. We'd do the station Tabata style, 3 rounds of 30 seconds on, 15 second off. For the last 3 rounds, this was reduced to 20 sec on, 10 off for time. After the Tabata at a station, rifle carry back to the center for the next round of burpees.

Station 1: Sandbag hang cleans with the option of a 40# or 60# sandbag. YHC recommends to choose the harder thing.
Station 2: Cindy Grip Squats – while gripping one Cindy per hand from the middle, do squats. Definitely a great one for Spartan grip training!
Station 3: Groiners
Station 4: Mattress Jumps – YHC happened to have 2 twin mattresses that are going to the dump later today. So we used them in the beatdown. Literally just jump rapidly during Tabata … They were more knee tucks then jump squats, but this was a cardio inducing, thigh burning good time.
Station 5: Merkins – Honker recommended diamond, wide, and standard for the 3 rounds of Tabata. Why do we listen to Honker?
Station 6: Battle Rope – YHC needs some work here, this killed me, and that was during the 20 second Tabata version.
Station 7: 4 cone square – backpedal, side shuffle, sprint, side shuffle around the cones

Mosey back to the flag. No time for Mary. 105 burpees completed.

Countarama, Namearama, Announcements, Pledge, Prayer

Bogey is looking to take a 🤡 🚗 to Richmond Hill tomorrow. Join him.

Honker and the bad idea crew are scheming for some non-gloom training on Saturdays. The Spartan will be done under the sun, not the moon, so we need to start getting used to it. Be on the lookout. Buy cool sunglasses now to prepare.