1st F 04/16/2021 Merlot Mountain

QiC: R-12
Date: 04/16/2021
Title: Merlot Mountain
Number of HIMs: 12
_Not Registered, Betty Crocker, Doughboy, DQ, Flo, Hardover, Honker, Octagon, R-12, Radar, Woo Hoo

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Plank & Disclaimer
Bear Plank
x10 Dancing Bears I.C.
x10 Imperial Squat Walkers
x15 Carolina Dry Docks OYO
21’s – Bear Crawl Ring of Fire Penalty
A mosey to the Base of Merlot Mountain

Tha Thang:
Each Pax did their best to make it to the Summit of Merlot Mountain by negotiating 6 maneuvers and then the final Summit maneuver. After completing each maneuver the Pax suicide run back to base and then proceed on to the next maneuver. Every maneuver increases in intensity adding to the suck the farther up the mountain you go.
Maneuver #1
x10 American Hammers, x10 Mountain Climbers, x10 Colosseums
Maneuver #2
x10 American Hammers, x10 Mountain Climbers, x10 Colosseums, x10 Dancing Bears
Maneuver #3
x10 American Hammers, x10 Mountain Climbers, x10 Colosseums, x10 Dancing Bears, x10 Monkey Humpers
Maneuver #4
x10 A.H., x10 M.C., x10 Colosseums, x10 Dancing Bears, x10 Monkey Humpers, x10 Spider Monkeys
Maneuver #5
x10 A.H., x10 M.C., x10 Colosseums, x10 Dancing Bears, x10 Monkey Humpers, x10 Spider Monkeys, x10 Low Country Crab
Maneuver #6
x10 A.H., x10 M.C., x10 Colosseums, x10 D.B., x10 M.H., x10 Spider Monkeys, x10 Low Country Crab, x10 8 count Man Makers
Repeat #6 & finish with 100 Mountain Climbers

Numberama, Namarama, Pledge, & Prayer
OG Pooler Birthday Monday @0500 welcoming other AO’s to come celebrate with a narly beatdown.
Prayers for Deuce and the youth group as they travel this weekend