1st F 04/12/2021 Memorial Day Preparations

QiC: Betty Crocker
Date: 04/12/2021
Title: Memorial Day Preparations
Number of HIMs: 8
_Not Registered, Betty Crocker, DQ, Farva, Honker, Norm, Quikrete, TPS

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Disclaimer during plank
10 Merkins IC
15 Moroccan Nightclubs
10 Don Quixote
10 T^3

Tha Thang:
The 1/2 Murph (but full run)

Run a mile to the pull-up bars.

50 pullups – complete all before moving on
100 Merkins – complete all before moving on
150 squats

Run a mile back to the flag

DQ pointed out that the mile route has some Honker tolerance on it, might have been closer to 1.25 miles. That's okay … Err on the side of harder.

Be on the lookout for more modified Murph's in preparation for Memorial Day. Or fill up the Q sheet to prevent me from doing that.

#arama, Namearama, Announcements, Pledge, Prayer

Great turnout Saturday to launch or newest AO. While we all do want to improve ourselves and work hard to do so, let's keep giving this thing away to reach more men that definitely need F3 in our community.