1st F 02/19/2021 Doughboy Special

QiC: _Not Registered
Date: 02/19/2021
Title: Doughboy Special
Number of HIMs: 3
Betty Crocker, Brady Bunch

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

20x Gecko Merkins OYO (made that up)
20x Mountain Climbers IC
20x SSH IC
20x Air Press IC
and it did not rain

Tha Thang:
In a genuine, old-time, @doughboy special, it was dealer's choice under the shelter.
And the rain did come.

Some of the beat-downs were
20x Curls with the picnic table IC
20x Step-up per leg OYO
20x OHP IC
20x SSH IC
20x pull-up OYO
10x box jump (high end of the table) OYO
20x bench-press IC
20x OHP of picnic table IC
plus a bunch of other stuff

count was quick
prayer for PuttPutt across the world, Dado, and some others I can't now remember
Praise for Doughboy coming through.