Cooler in Pooler on a Monday in the Gloom
16 PAX posted on a nice, 67° fall morning. We warmed up with a few exercises. Mostly, it was penalty burpees because Mullet was late. We then mossied to the pull-up bars and did a Jack Webb routine with pull-ups, merkins and air squats in a 1:3:5 ratio up to 5 pull-ups. We then mossied back to the flag with an Indian run only to be broken up by a Indian bear. Making it back to the flag, we circled up and passed around the Pooler Rocks with various exercises to be performed tabata style in rotation with a timer either pulling the 60# sled 100′ or jumping rope 100 times. It was the consensus that Doughboy knows how to jump rope much better than he did today. Again, penalty burpees were administered because Mullet was caught hiding the Burpee rock…YHC knows to look the the Burpee rock!
Finished with count o Rama, name o Rama, pledge and prayer.
Did we decide to name the new Saturday workout…Detention?