PAX: Matlock, Guppy, Two Pack and UGA V
1 minute warning was given and it looked like it would just be Guppy, Two Pack and YHC. Two Pack said Matlock was not going to make it and right before I was about to switch from my planned workout to a 5 miler for standard. (Per Twinkle’s new plan of being able to run 5 miles at standard at any time, at least when his wife tells him.) Matlock came walking up out of the gloom and was ready to go!
Warm-up: Chinooks ICx15 reverse, Imperial Walkers ICx15, Flat, slap jacks ICx15
The thing:
1 mile ending by the play ground
10 burpees with jumping pull-ups OYO
400m sprint
20 walking lunges x2
400m sprint
Derkins (feet on swing) ICx10
400m spring
Single leg broad jump 3×2 each leg
400m sprint
End by flag for some trunk strengthening
Flutter kicks ICx15, V-ups ICx10 each side, 30s low plank, single leg climbs ICx10 each side, single leg bridge 30s hold each side, American hammers ICx15, Cobras x10 OYO
Countarama, Namarama, BOM
Prayers for Guppy to be given wisdom and courage to know steps to take and then walk in them as the Lord opens doors.