PAX: Tofu, Salmonella, UGA V
1 min. warning given by Sal.
Moroccan nightclub ICx10, Chinooks ICx10 reverse/repeat, Imperial walkers ICx10, Flat slap jacks ICx20
The thing:
Moseyed over to the farmers market.
Rows x10
Step-ups x6/leg with 40lbs. sandbag (thanks Sal)
Merikins with bands x15
Dips on table x25
Walking lunges 2×20
Broad jumps 6xtriplet
Walking lunges 2×20 (just to feel the burn again)
Mosey back to flag for…
SL bridge x30 sec R and L, low plank x30 sec, Flutter kicks ICx20, Side plank R and L x30 sec each, American Hammers ICx20
And for the finisher to take care of everyone’s back Cobra’s x10 OYO