1st F 02/19/2025 Guest Q: It’s a date at the Foxhole (F3 Southside)

QiC: Door Jam
Date: 02/19/2025
Title: Guest Q: It's a date at the Foxhole (F3 Southside)
Number of HIMs: 9
_Not Registered, Door Jam

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Leg stretches
Don Q 10 IC
21s (successful!)
Get cindy

Tha Thang:
2 lap mosey
19 burpees
25 jump squats

2 cone bear crawl
19 WWI
25 OHP

2 cone lunge
19 derkins
25 lawnmowers each side

2 cone crab walk
19 blockees
25 KB swings

2 lap mosey
19 thrusters
25 LBC (IC)

2 cone broad jump
19 crunchy frogs
25 burpees

Put cindy to bed, circle up for monkeyhumpers

Delgado family
Pax deployed and in training
YHC's parents 42 year anniversary today