1st F 02/11/2025 NGT and a mistaken identity

QiC: Flat Tire
Date: 02/11/2025
Title: NGT and a mistaken identity
Number of HIMs: 6
Betty Crocker, Brady Bunch, Flat Tire, H.A.L., Portabella, Spam

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Stretch OYO or not

Tha Thang:
We waited for Honker to show,
A truck pulled in with trailer in tow.
We yelled, “ hurry up! You’re making us late”!
Someone that wasn’t Honker shouted back kinda irate,
And Tire said “we better go”!

We ran in all directions
Even BC ran , but with objections.

A appearance from Portabella was good to see
Bleachers and merkins mixed in and no burpees.

Good push by all.
Extra heart rate early
Pledge pray and on our way.