1st F 02/11/2025 Farming

QiC: Pergo
Date: 02/11/2025
Title: Farming
Number of HIMs: 8
Mr. Miyagi, Orange Juice, Pan Am, Sakrete, ShamWow, Sweet -n -low, Tofu

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Quick disclaimer
Imperial squat walkers
Hillbilly squats

Tha Thang:
Farmer carry 3 rounds with 2 Cindy blocks around all the islands.
If you set them – finish the lap with a run and pick up the girls and go again.
Everyone completed the tasks – just to prove we can do hard things

CoR and NoR
Pledge and pray
Prayers for Sakrete’s sister and Vinyl.
Reminder to lead ourselves first so we can be in a position to lead others.