1st F 02/08/2025 10 Seconds Late

QiC: ShamWow
Date: 02/08/2025
Title: 10 Seconds Late
Number of HIMs: 4
Patches, Pergo, Sweet -n -low

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

– seated stretches
– plank, leg under
– ttt
– imperial walkers
– ssh
– mosey lap

Tha Thang:
11’s with burpees and WW2
grab cindy

cc of Patches workout at the Colosseum this week
roll dice and multiple both numbers for the amount of reps

matrix with numbers 1-6 on each side to find the exercise
1-1 curls
1-2 ohp
1-3 lawn mower
1-4 dips
1-5 kbs
1-6 q choice
2-1 merks
2-2 hr merks
2-3 q choice
2-4 carolina dry docks
2-5 incline merks
2-6 decline merks
3-1 box cutter
3-2 freddie merks
3-3 ww3
3-4 gas pumpers
3-5 american hammers
3-6 ray charles
4-1 mountain climbers
4-2 colosseums
4-3 ssh
4-4 run to flag
4-5 run lap
4-6 run to dumpster
5-1 bonnie blair
5-2 thruster
5-3 weighted squat
5-4 grave digger
5-5 walking lunge
5-6 monkey humpers
6-1 burpees
6-2 blockees
6-3 burpee broad jumps
6-4 q choice
6-5 burpee jump over
6-6 burpees

– pooler ymca cleanup 2/22

– BW driving to Maryland for funeral
– K's Wife and family for their loss
– Patches busted pipe
– Sakrete's sister
– Changes/revival in our country