1st F 02/07/2025 Pooler Pearls on a String

QiC: Gilligan
Date: 02/07/2025
Title: Pooler Pearls on a String
Number of HIMs: 12
A-Boot, Backfire, Betty Crocker, Brady Bunch, DQ, Gilligan, H.A.L., Octagon, Periwinkle, Snuggie, Swabbie, Sweet -n -low

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Welcome & Introduction
Disclaimer, review mission, credo and (5) core principles of F3
Warm-up exercises
-Mikey Phelps OYO
-Chinooks OYO
-Motivators from 8

Tha Thang:
Simple pearl of strings with a period of running (determined by YHC) then a pyramid of additional count exercises. Final sequence was (5) Burpees, (10) Batman Crunches, (15) Windshield Wipers, (20) 4-count Squats, (25) Merkins, (30) something. We ventured to the turf field, bleachers and the YMCA soccer field during our adventure.
Mosey back to the flag. Finish up with 90 seconds of plank and some boat/canoe.

After action – request for less running next time. Ha!
Prayers for our country during this chaotic time; unspoken concerns