1st F 02/05/2025 Pick stuff up…

QiC: Rapinoe
Date: 02/05/2025
Title: Pick stuff up…
Number of HIMs: 6
Amazon, Finkle, Lady Chablis, Miss Bliss, Turtle

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Warmup lap around the lot

Tha Thang:
50 Ruck Lunge Buy-in
Partner up
3 Rounds of each couplet:

10 Sandbag over the shoulder/ 4 count Flutters
10 Sandbag Floor Presses/ Ruck High Rows

Ruck out remaining time alternating the sandbag between partners along the 2 mile route.

Count, Names, Pledge, Prayer for Wham-O, Puff’s Dad, and Liberace’s 2.0