1st F 01/30/2025 Deconstructed Murph

QiC: Turtle
Date: 01/30/2025
Title: Deconstructed Murph
Number of HIMs: 7
Amazon, Cardone, CPAP, Finkle, Miss Bliss, Puff

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

SSH, neck rolls, shoulder stretch, TTT, worlds greatest stretch, calf’s and arm circles. Moseyed to pull up bars and hit a 5 and dime.

Tha Thang:
5 burpee buy-in to start each round.

Round 1 – 10 pull-ups then run to 1st corner of parking lot and complete 40 merkins. Run to next corner and complete 40 squats. Run to portico and complete 40 BBS. Run the rest of the lap around the church and back to the pull up bars. Rinse and repeat other than dropping 5 reps off the merkins, squats and BBS with each round ( Rd 2 -35 rep, Rd 3 -30 reps, …). Everyone completed 4 rounds and CPAP powered through 5. My watch recorded about 1.5 miles of running. Met back up at the pull up bars for a 5 and dime then back to the circle.

Count, name, pledge and prayer, specifically for the plane crash victims and for us to lead our families well. Strong work and great push by all the Pax!