1st F 01/28/2025 Easy Math

QiC: Puff
Date: 01/28/2025
Title: Easy Math
Number of HIMs: 8
Cardone, CPAP, Finkle, Flea, Miss Bliss, Sweetheart, Turtle

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Lap Around the lot
Through the Tunnel
Arm Circles
Modified Runners stretch
4 count squats
Moroccan Night Clubs

Tha Thang:
Mosey to retrieve 1 Cindy per PAX stopping for a 5 and Dime on the way.
We circled at the Pull-up bars which would be base camp for the workout.
Each pax performed the following exercies:
10 Blockees
10 Curls
10 Shoulder Taps Hard-Way
10 Squats with Cindy
10 Hanging Chest to Knees on Pull-up Bars
Run a lap around the parking lot
** Rinse & Repeat. AMRAP. Some pax got in a 6 rounds
5 and Dime putting Cindy Away
1 Lap Indigenous People Run and then circled back up at the flag
2 Minutes of Mary:
J Lo's & Imperial Walkers

Prayers for all
Good Work Men!