1st F 01/24/2025 Burpees on Ice

QiC: Pippette
Date: 01/24/2025
Title: Burpees on Ice
Number of HIMs: 4
LaSorta, noodles, TestTube

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Right leg over left stretch, left leg over right, triple T’s, Michael Phelps , arm circles, don Q’s, imperial walkers, plank to stretch and under the fence. Next right leg into runners stretch then left. On on our backs pulled up each leg to stretch the hammys.

Tha Thang:
Started at the flag with 10 burpees then mosey down to our Cindy. Did various exercises then mosey back and do 10 burpees. We got 6 rounds in.
Burpees-run-50 curls-run
Burpees-run-50 tricep extensions-run
Burpees-run-50 OHP-run
Burpees-run-20 grave diggers-run
Burpees-run-15 lawn mowers each side-run
Burpees-run-50 squats-run

Prayers for those recovering from flu and for those having to travel today.