QiC: Sweet -n -low
Date: 01/14/2025
Title: Transfer of Power
Number of HIMs: 11
Dorothy, Gumbo, Mr. Miyagi, Orange Juice, Pan Am, Pergo, Pippette, Sakrete, ShamWow, Sweet -n -low, Vinyl
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Plank / runner stretch
ACDC Thunder
2:26 minutes of merkins
2:26 minutes of Al Gore tree higher squats
Tha Thang:
Thunder routine with ACDC singing – 2.5 minutes of merkens at every reference to Thunder,
then 2.5 minutes of Tree Hugger negative squats at remaining reference to Thunder.
Go get Cindys
Routine: Run lap to cone after each set, roll dice.
If red dice is highest, we do no burpees.
If blue dice is highest, we do burpees to match that number.
If dice are doubles, we do 5 burpees.
50 squats
45 merkins
40 curls
35 mtn climbers
30 triceps
25 OHPs
20 WW2’s
15 shoulder taps
10 jumpsquats
5 Navy Seals
Blues won this time. A great deal of taxes were paid by pax. There was a peaceful transfer of power. At one point, Sakrete charged the Speaker, but cane to his senses. All PAX had a turn in leading an exercise as well as rolling the dice.
YMCA Workday is uncertain. We will keep all advised due to weather.
Men’s Breakfast at Countryside this Saturday at 0800 – Pastor Kenny Grant. Fantastic speaker!
HAPPY 65th BIRTHDAY PanAm. We did 6.5 merkins in his honor.
Sakrete sister doing well but still dealing with anxiety.
Vinyl sister is doing well abd they have a contract on a new house.
Convergence at Summerville was huge success with 64 participants.
Pray for Waylon with ESES and Bayleigh with epilepsy.
Encourage those who God puts in your path today.
Thank you Lord for ten men who encouraged me to be better just by showing up and pushing it on a frigid morning.