1st F 01/07/2025 Side to Side

QiC: ShamWow
Date: 01/07/2025
Title: Side to Side
Number of HIMs: 7
Backfire, Dorothy, Gumbo, Orange Juice, Sakrete, Sweet -n -low

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

– stretch side to side, middle
– ttt
– plank, leg under
– merkins
– arm circles
– ssh
– mosey to get cindy

Tha Thang:
11’s but with 7 exercises on each side. PAX completes 1 rep of each exercise on side 1, 10 reps of each exercise on side 2, the 2/9 reps, etc.
Movement from side 1 to side 2 is bear crawl.
Movement from side 2 to side 1 is lunge.
PAX must stay in dedicated bear crawl lane and dedicated lunge lane because if any other PAX can tap them on the shoulder while in the lane they must perform 3 burpees.

Side 1
– curls
– chest press
– ohp
– lawnmower right
– lawnmower left
– bent over row
– blockee

Side 2
– colosseums
– jump squats
– calf raises
– bonnie blairs
– squats
– monkey humpers
– carolina dry docks

OG Pooler playground cleanup this Saturday
Summerville 10th year anniversary this Saturday
Prayers for SnL's son's wife's family
Prayers for sickness affecting PAX, family, friends
Praise and Prayers for Sakrete's sister