1st F 12/30/2024 Blast from this years past

QiC: Falcon9
Date: 12/30/2024
Title: Blast from this years past
Number of HIMs: 4
Clog, Falcon9, Reba, Tin Cup

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Right over Left, Left over RIght, Hang'em, Tunnels, Imperial Walkers, Sprinklers, Hill Billies, Arm Circles and SSH's

Tha Thang:
Each Round offered 2 exercises, Pax performed exercise 1 then moseyed to opposite island perform the other one. We ran a ladder up count 1 to 5. Cindy stayed with us during multiple rounds.

Round 1
-Hand release Burpees

Round 2
-KB Swings

Round 3
-WWII's w/ Cindy
-Jack Knives w/ CIndy

Round 4
-Crucible Merkin

All were better for it!

Prayers for those Pax traveling and not with us, Prayers for starting the new year off to best serve those around us.