1st F 12/12/2024 Shake it loves infinity’s

QiC: Cheddar Biscuit
Date: 12/12/2024
Title: Shake it loves infinity’s
Number of HIMs: 9
Betty Crocker, Cheddar Biscuit, Chief, Door Jam, DQ, Flat Tire, Honker, Mr. Ed, Shake it

Number of FNGs: 1
Name of FNGs: Mr. Ed

Chilly morning, wanted to warm up the pax quick with a 20 burpee shot gun start

-15x SSH (IC)
-Plank W/ calf stretch & dive through’s
-Worlds greatest
-Tutti Stretch

Tha Thang:
Figure 8/ infinity shape (made up by 6 cones) set up at the bricks
Rinse and repeat running through the 6 stations

Station 1: 10 Get ups
Station 2: 20 Slingblade’s
Station 3: 30 Burpees (Most made these spartan burpees)
Station 4: 40 Mountain Climbers (40 each leg)
Station 5: 50 Step ups (25 each leg)
Station 6: 60 SSH

Pax got through roughly 2 1/2 rounds during beat down, Christmas challenge has a 250 count step up on it.
Instead of Mary, we decided to knock out another 100 to end out the day.

Shake it, who apparently came and knocked out 250 step ups during EC was not happy 🤣

-FNG Naming (Mr. Ed, something about a horse??)
-Bourbon (delivery, not tasting unfortunately)