1st F 12/05/2024 –

QiC: Bigsby
Date: 12/05/2024
Number of HIMs: 9
Bigsby, Cornhole, Cupid, Gold Bond, KIA, Mr. 305, Oxy, Wayfair

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

SSH x 10
Arm Stretches
Flamingos R/L
TTT x 10
Leg stretches
slow count squats x10
merkins x 10

Mosey one lap and do 5 pull ups

Tha Thang:
Partnered up. Cones were spread out across the field. Pax 1 performed a MOT exercise while Pax 2 did an AMRAP exercise. When Pax 1 returned the partners switched. This continued until all 4 cone exercises were completed by each partner. Upon completion, Pax would do a new AMRAP exercises and continue doing the same cone exercises.

Cone MOTs:
1. Bear Crawls
2. Lt. Dan Lunges with Cindy
3. Rifle Carry
4. Sprints

AMRAP Exercises:
1. Merkins
2. Squrls (Squats with curls)
3. Sit-Ups
4. Cindy Swings
5. Single Arm Rows
6. Thrusters
7. Fred Mercs
8. Blockies

(Everyone completed 7 sets)

Announcements, pledge and prayer