1st F 10/25/2024 Friday Funday

QiC: Bullwinkle
Date: 10/25/2024
Title: Friday Funday
Number of HIMs: 3
Bullwinkle, Door Jam, Mr. Miyagi

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Spread legs down the middle, left and right
flamingo stretch
Butterfly stretch
Right arm across and left
Arm circle forward and reverse
Chinooks forward and reverse
5 burpees for a late HIM

Tha Thang:
Was going to play ultimate but not enough people

We did throw the frisbee though and around and every completed round without a drop we did a set number of reps. If we dropped it, we doubled it. We also took steps back after each round.

Exercises: merkins, squats, calf raises

After that we took a lap and did burpees every light pole.

Ended with rounds of MARY for 10 mins

Prayers for each other.