1st F 09/05/2024 Post Iron Pax Beatdown

QiC: Ramrod
Date: 09/05/2024
Title: Post Iron Pax Beatdown
Number of HIMs: 7
Cornhole, Flo, Gold Bond, Manscape, Ramrod, Spread Eagle, Wayfair

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

SSH x 10 IC
TTT x 10 IC
Arm Circles
Tricep Extension
Hamstring stretch
Leg extensions
Windshield wipers
Mozy 1 lap

Tha Thang:
Round 1:
10x Goblet Squats
20x Mercans
5 Reps, then run 400 meter

Round 2:
10x Cindy Swings
20x Big Boy Sit Ups
5 Reps, then run 400m

Round 3:
5x Pull-ups
20x Overhead press
5 reps, then run 400m

Round 4:
20x curls
30 second plank.
We did 2 full reps.

Pledge, prayer. Golf tournament run by GoldBond and Tommy Pelosi in the panning stages. Dates to follow.