1st F 08/23/2024 Finish if you can, again

QiC: Door Jam
Date: 08/23/2024
Title: Finish if you can, again
Number of HIMs: 4
Bullwinkle, Door Jam, Patches, Spokes

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Leg stretches
Chinooks 10 IC
Michael Phelps
Get cindy

Tha Thang:
Another finish if you can… 1 minute intervals, if you finish the reps you can rest till the timer goes off again. 3 sets of 5 exercises (repeated twice), so 10 minutes working and 1:30 between sets.

Set 1:
40 merks
35 squats
20 WWI
15 burpees
20 mountain man poopers

Set 2:
25 KB swings
30 OHP
6 blockees
35 curls
50 chest press

Set 3:
50 calf raises
30 SSH
20 colosseums
50 flitters (2ct)
10 burpees

Travel mercies for Spartan pax
Stuff going on
Pickleball tournament tomorrow

Got good rep counts this time, most left about 15 seconds to spare