1st F 08/16/2024 Fork It Friday

QiC: TestTube
Date: 08/16/2024
Title: Fork It Friday
Number of HIMs: 4
Clog, Falcon9, Huckleberry, TestTube

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Right over left touch your toes, left over right touch your toes, down the middle touch your toes, legs wide reach for right foot, left foot, middle, through the tunnels, plank downward dog, dive bomber, runner stretch right and left, Jenner right and left, plank right arm up, left arm up, mountain climbers 20 each side, arm circles, imperial walkers, motivators

Tha Thang:
Indian Run around lot to get 2 Cindy’s each. Take Cindy’s to end of parking lanes.

Central starting point and 4 prongs of the fork (parking lanes), each prong has 2 exercises at the end of the lane of 20 reps each. Start with 2 burpees, run to the end of the prong and complete exercises. After each prong run back to the center and do 2 burpees then run to the next prong.

Prong 1 – Merkins/Lawn Mowers

Prong 2 – Squats/Calf Raises

Prong 3 – Curls/Tri Extension

Prong 4 WW2/Flutter Kicks

Also had the debut of Falcon9’s concrete creation. Waiting for a name.

Announcements: Blue Sky plans, Speed 4 Need

Prayers for Reba’s family and those injured, also a praise for my father in law’s surgery