1st F 08/02/2024 It’s 5 o clock Somewhere

QiC: TestTube
Date: 08/02/2024
Title: It’s 5 o clock Somewhere
Number of HIMs: 7
Clog, Falcon9, Huckleberry, Lamont, Short Circuit, TestTube, Tin Cup

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Side lunge stretch to the left (one of these), side lunge stretch to the right (one of these to the right), down the middle (one of those there), flamingo stretch right then left, toe touch, through the tunnels, plank into downward dog, dive bomber, 10 merkins, arm circles forward and reverse, imperial walkers, side straddle hops (follow Short Circuit)

Tha Thang:
Indian run to get Cindy

Take Cindy to stop sign. Long run 11’s to the pull up bar.

Curls / triceps on one end

Pull ups / WW2’s on the other

Start with 1 curl / 1 Tri extension at one end, run to the pull up bar and do 10 pull ups / 10 WW2’s. Run back to do 2 Curls / 2 Tri Extensions then run back to pull up bar and do 9 Pull Ups / 9 WW2’s…..Continue until 10 curls / 10 Tri ext and 1 Pull Up / 1 WW2

Announcements: Blue Sky Acres
Prayer: Huckleberry’s friend of a friend in ICU, and Short Ciruit’s trip to Peru