1st F 07/31/2024 Workout for 2

QiC: Clog
Date: 07/31/2024
Title: Workout for 2
Number of HIMs: 2
Clog, TestTube

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Stretches, SSH, Arm Circles

Tha Thang:
2 mile run (no pain stations…just run)

1 round of Clog's 4-station Fun Run

a few minutes of Mary to fill out the morning

I am certain that today is the most I've sweated all year. Maybe it's because I didn't have my head and wrist bands today.

upcoming Speed for Need runs

Let's all pray for the end-of-summer travelers and safe travels.

I can say that EVERYBODY was missed this morning since there were only 2 PAX working out. Let's have a great Friday workout…Testtube has the Q!