1st F 06/29/2024 You did this to yourself

QiC: Sakrete
Date: 06/29/2024
Title: You did this to yourself
Number of HIMs: 6
Betty Crocker, Door Jam, Sakrete, ShamWow, Short Circuit, Vinyl

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

When YHC posted a pre blast I asked what a traditional Sakrete Q looked like and with their HC PAX did not disappoint with great ideas for the morning.

Disclaimer given.

Hang down and try to touch toes. Flamingo stretch both legs.

Per OJ request (didn’t show…BTW) shoulder burn warm up.
Everything by 10 IC.

LBAC forward; reverse: over head clap, seal clap, raise the roofs, Morracan night club; chinnocks forward and reverse

Start on 6 and stretch legs and back and everything.

Thunderstruck running in place and jump squats. Play AC/DC Thunderstruck. Run in place and jump squat every time they say THUNDER

Wake Cindy up and meet at island in big parking lot

Tha Thang:
Baseball themed work out. Bases set up roughly 60’ apart.

“Hit” is 50 calf raises. (Shamwows suggestion)

After “hit” move to 1st base by suitcase carry and do 10 curls for girls. Go back to home plate by rifle carry. “Hit” again and go for a double. Stopping at first for 10 curls- move to 2nd by suitcase carry and do 10 chest press. Return to home plate by rifle carry. “Hit again” and go for a triple. Stopping at 1st for curls and 2nd for chest press. Move to third for “Sakrete Merkins (Carolina dry docks. Return to home plate by rifle carry. “Hit” and move to the HR. Making stops at 1st, 2nd and 3rd to do previous exercises. Continue to the plate for 10 WW1.

Continue same trend but after completing 1 round multiply by 2 for reps. When you start 3rd round multiply reps 3.

Door Jamb was absolutely on fire and could not caught.

Stow Cindy and get back to flag for 10 WW1 sit-ups

Stretching at completion of workout just like beginning.

Sweet and Lows friends 4 wheeler wreck
Short Circuits co worker with work accident
Kids finishing out summer. Safety and smart decisions

Good to have BC at The Ranch!!