1st F 06/25/2024 Rinse and Repeat

QiC: Door Jam
Date: 06/25/2024
Title: Rinse and Repeat
Number of HIMs: 4
_Not Registered, Cheddar Biscuit, Door Jam, Fro-Zone

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Lots of stretches

Tha Thang:
5 burpees
5 overhead bag throw
10 squats with bag
10 get ups (lay down on 12, roll to 6, stand up)
20 step-ups with bag (each leg, modified to total after round 1)
20 front rows
Mosey around ToL, then bear crawl the length of the bricks on return

Rinse and repeat till time

Dealer's choice for Mary – infinities, backscratchers, LBFC, and boxcutters all IC

Pax traveling
July 27 convergence at the Ranch

July 4th benchmark at Underground, starting at normal time and running long to let Pax finish. Spread the word