1st F 06/24/2024 Big reps and a lot of steps

QiC: Duke
Date: 06/24/2024
Title: Big reps and a lot of steps
Number of HIMs: 9
Brick, Chum, Duke, Dump truck, LiveWire, Mudflap, Papa Doc, Shark Tank, Washout

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

– Drop Cindy off at the 50 yard line and mosey to goal line.
– Asphalt pickers
– Arm circles
– Slow merkins
– Downward dog and cobra
– Hurdle stretch

Tha Thang:
Partner up. Bear crawl to 50 and retrieve your Cindy. Murder bunny Cindy back to goal line. You and your partner begin working through the following exercises while one man works the other runs to the opposite goal line and back:
1. 200 chest presses/ run
2. 175 LBC/ Skip
3. 150 dips/ run
4. 125 Freddy mercury/ back pedal
5. 100 negative push ups/ run
6. 75 alternating toe touches/ karaoke
7. 50 OHP/ run
8. 25 man makers/ run

10 Gas pumpers
10 x-man crunches
10 gas pumpers
10 x-man crunches

Pap doc moving party on Friday. See slack for details
Congratulations to @freshprince and @coffe bean for taking first and second
Tasha rock passed away due to cancer. Prayers for family
Mitch molpus prayers