1st F 06/24/2024 Two steps forward and one step back

QiC: noodles
Date: 06/24/2024
Title: Two steps forward and one step back
Number of HIMs: 5
Falcon9, noodles, Reba, TestTube, Tin Cup

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Awt of 5 Motivators, calf stretch, qud stretches, hamstring stretch, TTT, IW Don Quixote. Noodles threw curb ball with some unexpected running.
Mosey to the entry of the park to the line of trees across the front of the lot.

Tha Thang:
Upon arrival in the gloom we could not see the finish line. About a 1/4 mile. The objective was to run to the second tree, passing one, each tree about 15 yards apart, then walk back to the one you jumped – once there do 15 SSH, 15 merks, 15, LBC. R&R till we reached the end, (at the bank). About half way through there was a rope fence @reba set the bar by accepting the challenge to leap over it, surprising even himself. After each pax reached the end we regrouped and together moseyed to the parking lot and hit several corners with 10/10/10 of the same. 6 corners were found but more await for future beat downs.

Circled up, remembering @reba and his family, congratulations to the news he received on father's day with a grandbaby on the way. Prayer pledge.
@reba has his 50 respect bday celebration Wednesday – come out to do your part.