1st F 06/13/2024 Death Star

QiC: Falcon9
Date: 06/13/2024
Title: Death Star
Number of HIMs: 7
Falcon9, Orange Juice, Quikrete, Sakrete, ShamWow, Sweet -n -low, WooHoo

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Tunnels, Imperial Walkers, Don Quixotes, Arm Circles, Raise the roofs, Knees to chest OYO and motivators!

Tha Thang:
F3 Workout: Death Star

Pax gathered in the center of a 5-pointed star in the parking lot. At the core, each Pax worked with Cindy performing 10 World War III's or Draw Bridges. Upon completion, they moseyed to one of the star’s points to tackle one of five exercises:

10 – Underground Merkins
10 – Bonnie Blairs
5 – Kraken Burpees
10 – Alternating Side Squats
5 – Navy Seals.

The Twist
Every 3 minutes, a new mode of transportation was called out. Pax would finish their current exercise and then move to the next station using that mode.

All had fun!

Prayers for those traveling close and abroad, Praise for those are always there to help and Congrats for Woohoo shifting into this next chapter of life!