1st F 06/11/2024 That Bear Crawl!

QiC: Orange Juice
Date: 06/11/2024
Title: That Bear Crawl!
Number of HIMs: 7
Mr. Miyagi, Orange Juice, Pergo, Quikrete, ShamWow, Sweet -n -low, WooHoo

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

-Michael Phelps, shoulder stretch
-Little baby arm circles forward and reverse
-Seal clap
-Raise the roof
-Flamingo stretch
-TTT and stretch to side and grab each ankle
-Plank while raising each arm and under the fence

Tha Thang:
Completed 2 rounds of the following exercises using a timer. We worked for 1 minute and rested for 30 seconds. The PAX rotated to call out the next exercise.

-Chest Press with feet 6in off ground

Completed a round of Mary that included a mixture of core, legs, and back exercises.

Bear Crawled the length of the parking lot all the way to the basketball goal and back. This proved to be challenging!

Had a good conversation about mental health struggles. We should be there for one another and look for signs that someone is struggling. Outward appearance does not always reflect the inward struggle.