QiC: Door Jam
Date: 06/01/2024
Title: Who wants the Q?
Number of HIMs: 4
Baywatch, CPAP, Door Jam, Hanes
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
CPAP and YHC did rock-paper-scissors to decide who would Q. YHC won. Waited a moment expecting a Pax from Atlanta but he never showed.
Leg stretch
Cobra/calf stretch
Tutti stretch
Tha Thang:
Ladder mosey.
Mosey some, stop for 5 burpees
Mosey some more, 5 burpees 10 WWI OC
Mosey some more, stop for 5 burpees 10 WWI and 10 4-ct squats (Baywatch demoed an interesting way to end the cadence)
Mosey some more, 5 burpees 10 WWI 10 squats 50 freddie mercs (2ct)
Special stop at the Bananas stadium for 5 wall burpees, 10 chicken peckers IC, and 10 obligerators IC
Mosey some more, 5 burpees 10 WWI 10 squats 50 freddie mercs and 15 lunges (2ct)
Mosey back to flag, line up for a Dora with 100 mercs, 200 squats, 300 LBCs. Running Pax does one burpee at turnaround.
Baywatch sister expecting
Lake Mayer convergence June 15th
Foundry/Ranch convergence late July
Region 10 year 11/8/25