QiC: Washout
Date: 05/15/2024
Title: Washout Wednesday
Number of HIMs: 20
Bartman, Beads, Bluey, Chop, Chum, Doobie, Duke, Dump truck, Fresh Prince, Greenspan, Hoover, Magic, Mudflap, Piggy Bank, Salmonella, Shark Tank, Snoopy, Trombone, Washout, Wild Thing
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Side Straddle Hops
Don Quixote
Concrete Pickers
Downward Dog/Cobra
Tha Thang:
– jog to the bleachers.
– 40 tricep extensions on the curb
– 25 Big Boys
– 20 Bonnie Blairs
-Run the bleachers
– jog to the play ground
-10 pull ups
– 20 American Hammers
– 20 step ups
– jog to the admin building
– 40 tricep extensions on the stairs
-20 gas pumpers
-20 LBC
– 60 second rocking plank
– jog back to the bleachers for 40 more tricep extensions
-jog to stop sign for two round of Merkin Wave
-jog back to the turf field for a round pax choice Mary.
– upcoming MURPH
– Praise and prayers for Chum's Mom!
– Prayers for our graduates this Saturday
– Prayers for our soldiers returning home from deployment.