1st F 05/13/2024 Monday Funday

QiC: Trophy
Date: 05/13/2024
Title: Monday Funday
Number of HIMs: 8
Beads, Butterfingers, Crablegs, Murdock, Papa Doc, Pine Knot, Trophy

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

20 SS hops
10 lunge twist
10 asphalt pickers
Push up bras

Tha Thang:
It is Monday and funday, going for a little jog to the playground. Start out with a pull-up station. 4 guys running a lap around the track while other 4 do sets of 5 pull-ups alternating out with step ups. Do two laps per group. Then head to the track, stopping along the way at every bleacher. 20 side step up’s x 2 times. Lunge between bleacher sets. 20 one legged squats x 2 times. Squat spins between bleacher sets. Last up to the big bleachers, do one round of bleachers and squats. Head back to the turf. Stop at curb for 100 toe taps. Sprint back to the finish. 6:13. Done.

Lots of prayers…