1st F 04/24/2024 Ruck+

QiC: Rapinoe
Date: 04/24/2024
Title: Ruck+
Number of HIMs: 6
Finkle, Lady Chablis, Miss Bliss, Puff, Turtle

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Warmup lap around the lot

Tha Thang:
GORUCK TnT: Boulder Shoulders
4 Rounds
20 Single Arm High Pulls
20 Single Arm Ruck Swings
20 Single Arm Front Rack Squats
20 Turkish Sit-ups
20 Single Arm Push Press

Ruck out remaining time for total of 2 miles!

Count, Names, Pledge, Prayer for all the fartsackers and for testing starting this week for schools.