1st F 04/22/2024 Rollin Bones

QiC: noodles
Date: 04/22/2024
Title: Rollin Bones
Number of HIMs: 4
Falcon9, noodles, Short Circuit, TestTube

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

TTT, SSH, stretch, OYO, Plank, diver bombers, leg and arm stretches, Imperial Walkers — mosey to collect cindy.

Tha Thang:
Back at the flag YHC pulled 5 dice from his pocket and lined the Cindy's up at the top of the lot. Objective was to reach the far side. How to get there? Pax took turns rolling 5 dice, the number or pattern rolled determined the number of steps the Pax would advance, however it also determined the number of reps to complete before stepping off. Rollin Pax called the MOT for stepping and the exercise to be completed.
Pattern consisted of- 3 of a kind, 4 of a kind=total rep add the dice. Full House 25 reps/steps, small straight 30, large straight 40 reps/steps. Yahtzee 50 reps/steps. MOT consisted of OHO, murder bunnies, curls.
exercises called-but not limited to..blockees, merks, squats, navy seals, WWII, and many more. and yes we had one Yahtzee forced by YHC

Prayer for YHC M as she is having surgery today-SFN races coming, 4ht Ruck.