1st F 04/22/2024 Let the Bodies Hit the Floor

QiC: Gilligan
Date: 04/22/2024
Title: Let the Bodies Hit the Floor
Number of HIMs: 9
Backfire, Betty Crocker, DQ, Flat Tire, Gilligan, Gumbo, Honker, Sweet -n -low, TPS

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Welcome, introductions, F3 disclaimer
-Flyover rule is not in effect (we won’t need it!)
-SSH, Imperial Walkers, TtT, Chinooks, Merkins
-Song workout during "Bodies" by Drowning Pool
-SSH during the song
-Do a burpee every time you hear “bodies hit the floor”
-They come in groups with gaps in between – so keep track and do the full number of burpees owed…
-Partner up as assigned by the Q
-Mosey to the pain locker

Tha Thang:
Part 1 – Cindy Travel
-Mosey to the pain locker, grab a cindy per partner pair
-Partner 1 rifle carries Cindy toward the next light pole. Partner 2 starts to bear crawl (option to squat lunge)
-Once partner 1 reaches the next light pole, he backpedals to partner 2 and they mosey together to that light pole.
-Once there, they do 5 burpees and 20 LBCs
-Switch roles and proceed thru all (7) poles and then to the back parking lot
Part 2 – “11s”
-With the same partner, stay together and perform alternating sets of Merkins and V-Ups across a ~50yard span; starting with 10 Merks at one end and 1 V-Up, then 9/2, 8/3, 7/4, and so-on.
-Partner Mosey back to the pain locker to put her away
-Rally at the Flag and finish with some boat/canoe

-BC will be conducting some Spartan training type workouts on upcoming Wednesdays; come on out an train up!
-Prayers for SnL’s co-worker that lost his wife recently, and keep PAX in our thoughts that we have not seen recently.