1st F 04/18/2024 Bear Crawl Conveyor

QiC: Tin Cup
Date: 04/18/2024
Title: Bear Crawl Conveyor
Number of HIMs: 12
Backfire, Falcon9, Mr. Miyagi, Orange Juice, Quikrete, Sakrete, ShamWow, Short Circuit, Sweet -n -low, TestTube, Tin Cup

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Started as a typical warm up, touch toes and SSH. But then had to do 20 penalty burpees for 4 pax showing up late. So what was going to be a nice little warmup turned into a Slaughter Start. You know who you are.

Tha Thang:
Set up a line of 7 stations each spaced about 3 parking spots apart. Each station had an exercise. PAX split up and started on a different station. Performed as many reps as possible with the timer being a PAX running a lap from the last station around the parking lot to the first station. Once the lap is done all PAX shift to the next station. MOT between stations was a bear crawl.

Exercises performed:
Depth charges
Carolina Dry Docks
Bonnie Blairs
Mountain Climbers
Underground Merks

All PAX completed about 3ish rounds.

Short mosey to dumpster and back to the flag.

Pledge, Prayer, Fun had by all.

Falcon9 looking for help to put new decals on Speed for Need chairs
Door Jam planning event for Coastal Empire 10 year anniversary November 2025

Sakretes work situation
Family from SC – father drowned, young children and wife left behind.
Yarborough family lost their house to a fire.