1st F 04/09/2024 Full Court Press

QiC: Orange Juice
Date: 04/09/2024
Title: Full Court Press
Number of HIMs: 14
Backfire, Clog, Falcon9, French Press, Mr. Miyagi, Orange Juice, Pergo, Quikrete, Sakrete, ShamWow, Short Circuit, TestTube, Tin Cup

Number of FNGs: 1
Name of FNGs: Beethoven

-Toe Touch
-Stretch to each side touching ankle
-15 in Cadence TTT
-15 in Cadence Side Straddle Hop
-15 in Cadence Little baby arm circles forward and reverse
– 10 Merkins in Cadence
-Mosey around church to pick up Cindy
PAX recited 5 core principles, Mission Statement, and Credo

Tha Thang:
-Everyone picked a partner
-One worked on reps while the other was the timer

Side shuffle 94’ which is the length is a basketball court, complete 20 merkins, run back to swap with partner and pick up to complete reps as a team.

Exercise for reps:
-100 Lateral Lunges
-150 Goblet squats weighted
-200 Curls
-300 Dips

Most of the PAX were very close to completing or completed the workout before time was called. Called time a little early to name FNG.

-Named FNG (Beethoven)
-Prayers lifted up for member of Pergo’s church battling brain cancer and continued prayers for Mike Torrence and his family.