1st F 04/04/2024 Bad ideas all around

QiC: Short Circuit
Date: 04/04/2024
Title: Bad ideas all around
Number of HIMs: 7
Backfire, Orange Juice, Pippette, ShamWow, Short Circuit, Sweet -n -low, TestTube

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Plank -disclaimer
Stretch calves
Runners stretch each leg
Under the fence
Imperial walkers
Mosey around to wake Cindy

Tha Thang:
In the grass near Cindy were cones set out at 0, 10, 20, and 30 yards.
Murder bunny from first cone to second cone. Then perform 10 man maker merkins, 10 lunges with Cindy, 10 BBs with Cindy.
Nursery bunny to next cone and perform same exercises.
After performing exercises at 4th cone make you way back by bear crawling with Cindy and continuing to stop at each cone to perform set exercises.

Finished with one set of 15 LBFC (little baby flutter crunches)

Pledge and prayer