1st F 03/20/2024 Humpday work

QiC: Dump truck
Date: 03/20/2024
Title: Humpday work
Number of HIMs: 6
Beads, Butterfingers, Crablegs, Dump truck, Pine Knot, Trophy

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Trophy warmed them up

Tha Thang:
Go grab Cindy head to the turf field
She was still warm from the EB’s

Round 1 Rifle carry
Start on the goal line Stops at 25 ydl, 50, 25, gl
Exercise at each stop
Stop 1 20 man makers
Stop 2 40 squats
Stop 3 60 lawn mowers
Stop 4 80 mtn climbers – single count

Round 2 walking curls
30 thrusters
40 kb swings
40 block pull thrus
I think we forgot the Bonnie Blairs

Take a lap around field

Round 3
Figure 8’s
20 alternating hand block merkins
25 tricep extensions
50 ohp
50 chest press

Murder bunny to the 50 yd line and take the ol’ girl home

Prayers- Pine Knots bro-Inlaw deploying
Trophy – drivers ed with the daughter
To help us be better husband , fathers, and people