1st F 03/16/2024 Lucky #7

QiC: Orange Juice
Date: 03/16/2024
Title: Lucky #7
Number of HIMs: 6
Door Jam, French Press, ShamWow, Sweet -n -low, Vinyl

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

-Side straddle hops
-LBAC’s forward and reverse
-Shoulder/back stretch compliments of Vinyl
-Tor touch

Tha Thang:
Complete 7 reps of the following exercise for 7 rounds.

S quats
T ricep extensions

P unch-out Merkins
A ir squared
T hrusters
R ifle carry
I ncline merkins
C urls
K ettlebell swings
S houlder taps

We took turns calling the next exercise and worked together to complete all 7 rounds as a PAX.

Prayers for Mr Mayagi’s trip today and continued prayer for Short Circuits family. Also prayed for the safety of everyone traveling and participating in the parade today.