1st F 03/14/2024 We “Bear” All

QiC: Sandra
Date: 03/14/2024
Title: We “Bear” All
Number of HIMs: 10
Fauci, Fruity Pebbles, Gold Bond, KIA, Manscape, Oxy, Pee Boots, Pelosi, Sandra, Spread Eagle

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

20 side straddle hops
10 high knees/10 butt kicks
15 sec hamstring/15 sec quad stretch/ 15 sec tricep stretch
20 shoulder wind mills
15 Michael Phelps

Tha Thang:
1 Mosey lap
1 Indian run lap
Bear crawl with Blockie for 25 yards (track to orange cones): 4 ct crawl and 1 merkin until at orange cone .
When at orange cone:
#1:20 bicep curls
#2: 20 overhead shoulder press
#3: 20 tricep extensions
#4: 20 bent over rows

Complete lunges with blockie between track and orange cones (4 total)

When back at track
#1: 20 hard way bicycles
#2: 20 Russian twists hard way
#3 20 flutter kicks hard way
#4: 20 oblique side hip dips

1 lap rifle carry with exercises at 1/4 lap intervals:
– 20 squats
– 20 chest presses
– 30 merkins
– 20 diamond merkins (derkins)

5 min: alternate 5 pull ups and 20 bicycles hard way on playground

5 min: timed holds: high plank, low plank, 6 inches, squat hold

Burnout abs for 2 minutes: ww2 sit ups, gas pumpers

Lake Mayer run tomorrow
Thankful for fellowship with great men and the ability to push our body and minds to be better. Prayers for continued ability to make others around us better and cared for.
Special prayer request for Kia and Sandra wives as they deliver soon.