1st F 03/08/2024 Classic Fun Friday

QiC: Beads
Date: 03/08/2024
Title: Classic Fun Friday
Number of HIMs: 4
Beads, Butterfingers, Crablegs, Pine Knot

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Imperial Walkers
Don Quiotes
Runners Stretch

Tha Thang:
Mosied to playground
20 pull-ups
10 single leg squats
Grabbed Cindy and headed to goal line
Completed a ladder every 10 yards until 50 yard line
10 air squats at goal line
10 behind head squat at 10 yard line
Murder bunny 10 yards
10 Sumo squats and 20 OHP at 20 yard line
Continued with 10 more yards of murder bunny's
10 Goblet squats, 20 OHP, 30 lawnmowers
10 yards murder bunny
10 single leg squats, 20 OHP, 30 lawnmowers, 40 curls
10 yards murder bunny
10 single leg squats, 20 OHP, 30 lawnmowers, 40 Dips, 50 abs (25 heels to heaven, 26 big boys)
Bonus chest press
Put Cindy away

Plank and hold with merkins for COT
Prayers for weekend
Prayers for crablegs friends son and his continued recovery