1st F 03/08/2024 Murder Bunnies Make Me Jumpy

QiC: TestTube
Date: 03/08/2024
Title: Murder Bunnies Make Me Jumpy
Number of HIMs: 5
Clog, Falcon9, Quikrete, Reba

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Standing Right over left touch your toes if you can, left over right, TTT, Don Coyotes, Plank, downward dog, dive bombers, right arm up, left arm up, Q forgot the flag because of car swap with the M 5 penalty merkins for all, Little baby Arm Circles, Chinooks, SSH.

Tha Thang:
Indian Run around a creative course to get Cindy.

Meet back where the flag should be.

Perform 6 exercises at starting location, murder bunny to second location and perform 3 exercises

Starting location:

3 Burpee Jumpovers

6 Grave Diggers

9 Overhead High Knees

12 Mountain Climbers (each leg)

15 OHP

18 Lawn Mowers

Murder Bunny to designated second location

10 LBC
10 WW2
10 Flutter Kicks (each leg)

Repeat 4 rounds

Speed 4 Need March 9th

Prayers: Reba’s family members, others that are injured