1st F 02/21/2024 Fun Run…ish

QiC: Clog
Date: 02/21/2024
Title: Fun Run…ish
Number of HIMs: 5
Clog, Falcon9, Flat Tire, noodles, TestTube

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

5 PAX turned out on a calm, clear 32° morning. Warm up
..Ssh, arm circles, oh claps, air press, imp wlkr, hillbillies, sprinkler, burpee, squat, merkins, mtn climber, lbc

Tha Thang:
Fun run exercises, 4 station, # of reps x station # (1-4).
1 burpee
2 squat
3 merkins
4 mtn climber
5 lbc

Same exercises at 4 stations. Mosey between stations. Walk back to station 1 for recovery time.

Did 4 rounds

Clogs new grandbaby and DIL after stressful delivery. Short circuit grandma. Reba' BILs. Quikrete and Sweet n Low surgery recovery.