1st F 02/20/2024 We’re doing this in a church parking lot?

QiC: Short Circuit
Date: 02/20/2024
Title: We’re doing this in a church parking lot?
Number of HIMs: 10
French Press, Mr. Miyagi, Pergo, Pippette, Pumbaa, Sakrete, ShamWow, Short Circuit, Sweet -n -low, Tin Cup

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Plank with disclaimer
Stretch calves
Right leg up
Left leg up
Tunnels x10
Hillbillies x10
Right arm across then left arm
Arm circles x10

Tha Thang:
Duck and weave- pax duck walked single file while the pax carrying the six ran weaving through the pax and so on. Made it to the basketball hoop(R.I.P)

Pax the ran to first island and partnered up for some Dora which involved the first pax duck walking to the next island then moseying back. Meanwhile second pax was performing the following exercises:
100 pickle pounders
200 pickle pushers
300 monkey humpers

Pax then moseyed around the church back to the flag for a round of Mary.

We ended with a conversation about depression and remembering to check on your brothers because you never know where they are at and your call could be the one to keep them around a little longer

Pledge and prayer